Boys Update 2/24/25
Hello parents,
Your player will be playing in the North Gwinnett Invitational on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at Bears Best Country Club. The address is 5342 Aldeburgh Dr, Suwanee, GA 30024. It is a 9AM shotgun start. We will leave Brookwood HS at 6:45AM. Coaches will provide transportation. Feel free to come watch your player. Spectator carts are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
I do need a parent to volunteer to make snack bags for the players and coaches. We will need 8 snack bags and a drink. I always have water available. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Coach Ed
Players-Duncan, Joshua, Cameron, Logan, Brady and Trey.
Girls Update 1/23/25
Good evening,
I hope everyone has enjoyed the digital learning vacation this week! I am Coach Thomas, the head coach of the girls' golf team here at Brookwood High School. Coach Les Whitmer and Coach Dean Jackson will be assisting as well. We are excited to get the season started next week. We will begin Tuesday, January 28th at the Country Club of Gwinnett beginning at 3:00. We have a really great group of girls, and I am excited to see them all develop this season. As a staff, we are committed to helping the girls pursue their passion for golf and having a great time doing it.
The tournament/match schedule is available on rank one and I will provide a hard copy to each parent at the parent meeting on Monday, February 3, 2025 at 6pm in the Lodge. We will review all of the expectations for the season in our meeting and address any questions you may have. We have scheduled a multitude of opportunities for both our JV and Varsity girls to compete this season. We have several Varsity tournaments and there are a few more JV tournaments I am looking to add as well.
I am also attaching the parent letter which details more information about the season as well as the parent code of conduct. If you have any questions, please never hesitate to call or email me.
In regard to practice, we will be utilizing the Country Club of Gwinnett as well as the Cedar Lake Golf Course. We will begin practice promptly at 3:00 each day. In regard to transportation, players are encouraged to carpool and I can help with transportation as well. Please communicate with me if you need any assistance with getting the girls to practice. Players will need to be picked up from the course each day at the end of practice.
Here is the weekly practice schedule that will begin next week:
Tuesday, January 28 at 3pm- The CC of Gwinnett
Wednesday, January 29 at 3pm- Cedar Lake (3pm Short game/putting/4pm-5pm Range)
Thursday, January 30th- 3:30pm- We have 3 tee times to split with the boys' team, so we will alternate players weekly. I will let players know in advance who will be playing on Thursdays. We may be able to open the SIM room on Thursdays for girls that won't have a tee time at Cedar Lake.
Friday- January 30th at 3pm- The Country Club of Gwinnett at 3pm.
I apologize for the long email, but I wanted to send out some information before next week's tryout. We look forward to having a great season. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you all this Tuesday!
Coach Thomas
Boys Update 1/19/25
Hello Parents,
I hope you are doing well and keeping warm. I am Coach Ed Sochacki, the Head Brookwood Boys golf coach. I have attached information about our golf program and upcoming season to this email. I have attached the Tournament/Match schedule as well as the practice schedule. I also have attached the Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct. I will have a JV and Varsity Golf Team and your son will be able to play this season. Review the parent letter I have attached. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email. Have a great night and GO BRONCOS!
Ed Sochacki
Girls Regional Update 4/12
Good Afternoon parents,
Below you will see the allotted times for the girls tee times at Bentwater Country Club in Acworth, Georgia on Monday. The girls must report to the tee boxes ten minutes before their tee time; they can use the range an hour before their tee time. They will be able to use the chipping area/putting green any time before their tee time on Monday. If your daughter needs a ride, please let me know so we can arrange rides for your daughter.
10:40 Madalyn Fisher(Harr), Paige Greco(Broo), EmmaCates Richardson(Hill), Clair Clark(Park)
10:50 Mary Claire Garland(Harr), Asa Grandy(Broo), Rebecca Shafer(Hill), Chloe Gordon(Park)
11:00 Abbey Stutts(Harr), Ella Dunn(Broo), Jessica Shafer(Hill), McKinley Young(Park)
11:10 Amelia Aschwege(Harr), Aubrey Christopoulos(Broo), Madilyn Hamby(Hill)
Lastly, we have a Signing Day for Paige Greco on April 25th in the Commons Area at Brookwood High School at 2:30 PM. If you can attend this event, I know it would mean a lot to Paige to see her teammates, coaches, and parents here to celebrate this moment with her.
Boy Schedule Update 3/17
Hello parents,
Tomorrow, I will need 2 parents to shuttle players between the 18th green and the first tee. We can rotate so you will be able to watch your golfer as well. It will be sunny, but chilly! It's a 2:30pm shotgun, so there is no need to get there before 1:45pm. This tournament is a team scramble, which is a great format for everyone to be able to contribute. Have a great Sunday!
Update: The CC of Gwinnett is going to be auctioned on April 15th now. We did have a schedule change and will not be playing in the Oconee Invitational. I contacted the coach in October to sign up. We have participated in the event for 2 years at Hard Labor Creek. I sent a check and he called me and said we weren't on the list. Also, We were on the waitlist for The Lambert Varsity Invitational. We didn't get in.
I was able to add The Parkview Invitational on Saturday, March 23 at Stone Mountain Golf Club. We will also be going to play with everyone on the team and go out for a meal before the season is over.
Thanks for your support!
Ed Sochacki
Lady's Golf Tournament Updates
Varsity NGHS Invitational
March 9th 9 AM
Leave from Brookwood at 6:30 AM
Driving Range opens at 7:30
Coaches Meeting 8:15
Shotgun Start 9 AM
Golfers: Paige Greco, Asa Grandy, Ella Dunn, Aubrey Christopolous
JV Lady Warrior Invitational
March 9th @ Lane Creek
Leaving Brookwood at 6:30 AM
Range opens at 7:45 AM
Golfers: Aleena Mathew, Averi Felder
9 am Shotgun Start
Scramble playing from the Red Tees
Triple Bogey Max
JV Lady Warrior Spring Swing
March 11th and 12th - 3:45 start time - Apple Mountain
Leaving Brookwood High School at 1:30
Range Opens at 2:45
Golfers: Averi Felder, Aleena Mathew, Ella Dunn, Aubrey Christopolous
Spectator carts: $15/day
Double Bogey Max Rule, 4 - Person Scramble
Lambert JV Invitational 3/4/24
This Monday, March 4th your player will be going to play in an 18-hole Tournament at Laurel Springs. (Lambert JV Invitational) We will leave school early, right after 5th period and will meet in the A200 parking lot. Coach Jackson and I will drive the players to the course. We will only be leaving school early a few times this season. I will contact their teachers and remind them they need to make up any missed assignments. They already know where to be on Monday.
I will provide lunch. The course will provide dinner after the tournament. Could I have a volunteer to provide snacks for 8 people? Logan's mom did the first tournament. Thank you! You can come and watch your player play on Monday.
Longhorn Invitational Information 2/16/24
Ladies Update & Tee Times:
Below you will see your tee times for Monday, if you need a ride to TPC on Monday let myself or Coach Witmer know. If not you need to be at the course an hour before your tee time as you only get 45 minutes of range prep. We will wear white tops from last year and black bottoms. (you'll get your new hats Monday) expect other gear later next week. Wear layers, as the weather ranges from 30-60 degrees on Monday. Make sure you have the Iwanamaker app downloaded on your phone, as we will be using this to track score. We can review Monday morning to get back acquainted.
Meadows #10 (Everyone)
Tee Times
10:10 am- Paige
10:20 am- Asa
10:40 am- Ella
10:50 am- Aubrey
Boys Update & Tee Times:
Monday morning we will meet at Brookwood HS in the A parking lot at 7am . Here are the players that are playing Monday at TPC Sugarloaf. Coaches will drive the players to the course. We will return to Brookwood after the tournament. (3:30pm or so)
You can come and watch your player. I was just informed that TPC Sugarloaf DOES NOT RENT SPECTATOR CARTS. You will have to walk the course to watch them. Most of the time, spectator carts are available for rental on a first come first serve basis, but not at this course.
Tee Times starting on 10- Meadows
1. 9:00am- Cameron
2. 9:10am- Logan
3. 9:20am- Jeremiah
4. 9:30am- Josh
5. 9:40am- Hakim
6. 9:50am- Diego
GSGA High School competitions are closing in fast, it is important for players to brush up on their knowledge of the Rules of Golf beforehand. And we have the perfect opportunity to learn!
We invite you, and your team, to join us for a GSGA virtual Rules of Golf Seminars! Below are dates before High School and GSGA competitions begin.
Click the particular date you are interested in above for more information and to register! The deadline to register is for each is two days prior to the seminar. Zoom information will be emailed to attendees 24 hours before.
For all questions, please contact Kevin Duffy, Manager, Golf Development at or by phone at 678-324-5984.
Boys Update- January 28, 2024
Hello parents,
I wanted to touch base with you about the upcoming Brookwood Boys Golf season. Your son has indicated that they are interested in playing golf and I have worked with them at least once during the pre-season or they are returning players. Our tryout is Friday, February 2nd at 3pm at the CC of Gwinnett. At this point, I will not have to cut any players and your son will be on the team. I am attaching our current match/tournament schedule for the season, which may be adjusted, The GHSA Parent/Player Code of Conduct, and the alternate transportation form.
Our parent meeting will be on Tuesday, February 6th at 6:30pm in The Lodge by the football field. I will be sending you more information before our meeting concerning the Boys Program. Our website will be updated regularly and players will be communicating with coaches regarding match/tournament lineups for each week.
The cost is $700, which includes all golf course fees for practices, matches and tournaments, 2 dozen golf balls of their choice (Bridgestone/Titleist), 2 golf shirts and a pullover or golf jacket, use of the golf bag for the season, golf accessories (Golf towel/Brookwood ball markers, tees), several meals throughout the season and when we have to travel and for all 18 hole tournaments, and an end of the year banquet.
To give you an idea of the costs of a tournament, Our first boys/girls tournament is at TPC Sugarloaf on Monday, February 15th. It’s a great course where Tiger Woods won. It is $1,100 for 6 boys and 4 girls to play.
If you are looking to volunteer, we have our Boys and Girls Invitationals on March 18th (Boys) and March 25th (Girls) at the Country Club of Gwinnett. These two tournaments help fund our program. We will be looking for sponsors and will have signs displaying their information. Dr. Savage, the Brookwood HS Principal, wants to be involved with our tournament as well, so those that are interested can let me know and we can meet to discuss ideas. We have full fields in each tournament with 17 girls teams and 10 boys teams coming. Each year it has been successful and we welcome your help.
I have 3 excellent coaches helping this season. Mike Graham, Dean Jackson and Jason Thomas. They are not compensated, except for golf shirts. We are all committed to helping your son be the best golfer and citizen that they can be.
We begin regular practices on Tuesday, February 6th at the CC of Gwinnett after school. Typically our practices are over by 4:30 or so until daylight savings.
Our Practice schedule-
Tuesdays- The CC of Gwinnett
Wednesdays- Cedar Lake (Range/Short Game only)
Thursdays- Cedar Lake (Tee times 3:00-3:30pm) Players will rotate on Thursdays
Friday- The CC of Gwinnett
We have one day on the range and short game area. The other days, we usually play 9 holes.
We have a great season planned and look forward to a successful 2024 golf season. Thank you for your support. Have a great rest of your weekend!
Coach Ed